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Welcome! Here you can learn how to become inwardly guided by listening to your intuition for everyday support. Whether you are just getting started or already intuitively adept, these articles will teach you how to develop and strengthen intuitive skills with clear guidelines and step-by-step approaches.
Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
2 min read
Exercise: A Gateway to Unlocking Your Intuition
Why exercise matters for intuitive insights and spiritual growth.
Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
2 min read
Goosebumps and Intuition
Goosebumps are physiological phenomena that mainly occur with cold weather and strong emotions. However, they can also indicate receiving...
Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
3 min read
Five Characteristics of a Highly Intuitive Person
Nurturing your innate ability to listen to your intuition is a craft that, like any other skill, can be sharpened. Proficient intuitive...
Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
3 min read
Intuitive Secret – Holding Attention in Center of Head
An advanced technique for listening for intuitive guidance is to place your attention in the middle of your head. I will walk you through...
Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
3 min read
Intuitive Dreaming
Discover how dreams can provide intuitive guidance from your higher self or divine sources, and learn rituals to enhance your dreamwork.
Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
2 min read
The Still, Silent Pause of an Intuitive Knowing
The most powerful and reliable way to hear intuitive guidance is through a direct knowing experience. This knowing is information that is...
Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
3 min read
Using Intuition to Find Your Life Purpose
Discover your life purpose using intuition. Develop a spiritual practice, take inspired action, and track your progress for fulfillment.
Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
2 min read
The "I Don't Know" Trick
When I'm intuitively listening for spiritual guidance, I'll often get stuck. I seem to hit a wall, and I feel I'm not receiving any...
Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
2 min read
Developing an Intuitive Temperament
Being present, neutral, and receptive are essential characteristics for hearing intuitive guidance. These traits form what I call an...
Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
2 min read
Where Does Intuitive Guidance Come From?
You can use intuition to tap into your spiritual consciousness and communicate the intangible world of the higher self and spirit guides.
Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
3 min read
Can First Impressions be Intuitive Guidance?
First impressions are noteworthy when they come from the higher self. They are helpful knowings that nudge you toward or away from...
Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
3 min read
What is Spiritual Timing and How to Intuitively Tap Into It
The spiritual and physical worlds are two areas of existence that we continuously inhabit; however, they play by different rules...
Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
3 min read
Three Major Hindrances to Hearing Your Intuition
Certain mental and emotional processes can take up a lot of your internal space. It is hard to make room for the higher self's subtle...
Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
2 min read
Are Instincts and Intuition the Same Thing?
Instincts are behaviors that one is prone to acting out based on prior experiences and genetic predispositions. Intuition is a faculty...
Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
3 min read
Intuition and Bad News
Receiving bad news will inevitably happen when listening to your intuition. Your higher guidance will always provide information that is...
Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
3 min read
How to Have a Conversation in the Spiritual Realm
Have you ever wanted to ask for a raise at work or confront someone mistreating you only to chicken out moments before the conversation?...
Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
2 min read
Why Truth Seekers are Powerful People
Have you noticed not long after making a personal breakthrough being met with resistance and setbacks? I'll give an example. Let's say...
Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
3 min read
Are Nagging Feelings Intuitive Guidance?
Learn how to harness nagging feelings as intuitive guidance, align with your higher self, and make decisions that lead to personal growth.
Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
3 min read
Is There a God and Higher Self?
I use the term God loosely as this all-pervading, loving, and intelligent Being is essentially unknowable and cannot be defined by a...
Marie Christine, Intuitive Coach
2 min read
Becoming a Spiritual Scientist
Hearing your intuition is only one half of living a Spirit-led life. The other half is investigating to see if the guidance received is...
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