Intuition is a direct perception and knowing independent of any reasoning process. It's a unique way to perceive information that is outside of your normal mental and emotional processes.
Instead of using your logic or assessing how you feel to gather insight into a particular situation, you can instead use your intuitive function to access an alternate area of consciousness. Intuition can be used as a supernatural superpower to hear divinely inspired guidance directly from your higher self and Creator God.

Your intuition is a sense, like your five physical senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Intuition is not bound to the physical world like your other five senses. Therefore it behaves differently, as it is not subject to the universal principles of space and time.
Since intuitive knowledge does not have time or space constraints, you don't need to wait for it to go someplace and return to you, unlike sound, for example, which takes time to travel through the air so you can hear it. Intuitive information transmits and is received instantly.
You can use your intuition to pick up any extrasensory information. For example, your intuitive function can retrieve advice from those who have died or spirit guides. Although these types and other psychic information can be helpful, I find that the most consistent and reliable guidance comes directly from your higher self and Creator God.
[Read: The Lowdown on Higher Self Intuitive Information] to learn more about how to identify your higher self.
Your higher self and Creator God know your life path and purpose and are the most trusted spiritual resources. Using your innate gift of intuition to contact and receive guidance from these sources is a powerful skill set that can help you effectively and peacefully navigate the complexities of life.
Want to learn more about how to develop and strengthen your intuition? Download my Intuition Builder App and get started on one of my courses for free today.