Being present, neutral, and receptive are essential characteristics for hearing intuitive guidance. These traits form what I call an "intuitive temperament," which is an attitude or disposition you create inside yourself that allows intuitive intelligence to enter and be witnessed. To hear intuitive guidance from your higher self and Creator God, it helps to create an internal environment that energetically matches them. Therefore, you aim to have an inner space full of unconditional love.

Being present means that thoughts about the past and future reside, so there is only the present moment. Likewise, the story of your life and where you perceive it is going will need to pause, so you are without expectations and judgments, thereby remaining open to all present possibilities. Essentially you are halting your personality, or ego's, input as you listen for intuitive guidance. This may seem like a tall order, but you only need to maintain this egoless state while receiving intuitive knowledge, which can take a few seconds.
To be receptive and more closely match the unconditional love energies of Creator God and the higher self, you will want to refrain from negative judgments about yourself, others, life circumstances – everything. Holding biases about how something should or shouldn't be can cloud your intuitive intelligence. Again, I understand having a non-judgmental attitude can sometimes be challenging, but you only need to suspend judgments long enough to receive intuitive guidance.
Tip: If you have difficulty experiencing unconditional love, I recommend taking a few seconds to reflect on your love for a child or pet, as this will drop you in the unconditional love space quickly.
When judgments are no longer present, you will be inherently neutral. You won't expect what the intuitive guidance should say or how you will receive it. You will become ready to hear what is for your highest good from the most helpful possible spiritual sources – Creator God and the higher self.
In summary, every time you come into your intuitive practice, consciously decide to stay in the present moment and foster a space of unconditional loving by suspending negative judgments. Set an intention that you are open and receptive to all that is for your highest good and watch with neutrality, like a spiritual scientist, what comes in. Take notes and follow up with the guidance received to see if it has value over time. If it does, you know you are on the right intuitive track.
[Read: Becoming a Spiritual Scientist] to learn how to track your intuitive guidance to see if it comes from a helpful and reliable source like your higher self and Creator God.
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