The best indication you have received intuitive guidance directly from your higher self or Creator God is it will come in as a certain and neutral knowing. It's something you understand at your core without going through a reasoning or emotional process. When a direct knowing from your higher self hits you, you will feel calm, open, and receptive. A part of you will recognize your inner wisdom and will not contract away from its guidance.

An intuitive direct knowing can be information that will happen in the future or valuable insight into a past or present moment. The exact reason for the direct knowledge is often unknown as your higher self works on a need-to-know basis. Yet somehow, you'll understand this clear knowing is something significant. As a more general definition, a direct knowing is any knowledge that expands awareness that you are a spiritual being having a human experience.
Direct knowledge can be likened to an "aha" or "eureka" moment, but it's not necessarily the same thing. It's similar in that you understand something clearly you haven't before. However, direct knowings don't filter through other layers of your consciousness or five physical senses before arriving in your conscious awareness. The knowing will not have the emotional charge of a desire or the mental overlay of an assumption or judgment. Key hallmarks of a direct knowing are that it's unexpected, unequivocal, and will prove valuable and accurate over time, if not immediately.
You most likely already had experiences with direct knowledge, as the higher self and Creator God are constantly communicating with you. Have you ever known something without any proof or reason? For example, you just met a new person and instantly receive direct knowledge that you will have a significant relationship with them. If your intuitive hit about this new person is indeed a direct knowing, this piece of information will prove to be true over time without coercion or manipulation.
It will be to your benefit to invest in looking for direct knowing guidance and get accustomed to the energetic characteristics of the experience. Direct knowings are the most reliable and accurate forms of intuitive guidance because, by nature, they bypass the mind and emotions (or the ego), making it the gold standard for receiving high levels of spiritual insight.
[Read: The Still, Silent Pause of an Intuitive Knowing] for more on direct knowing,
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